
EntrepreneurEntreprenership adalah sebuah perjalanan (journeys), setelah tertanamnya kultur kewirausahaan, perjalanan kewirausahaan akan diteruskan dengan adanya kesadaran (consciousness) tentang pentingnya kewirausahaan; terbentuknya embrio wirausaha (nascent entrepreneurs) yang secara sadar berani mencoba-coba usaha bisnisnya sesuai minat, bakat, dan potensi mereka; dan tekad dan action untuk menjadi start-up entrepreneurs dengan segala risiko yang sudah dipertimbangan, lalu secara bertahap tumbuh dan berkembang (scaling up). Flexibility: Not everybody matches into the rigidity of traditional corporate tradition. Entrepreneurs are sometimes looking to free themselves from these constraints, find a better work-life steadiness or work at times and in methods that could be unconventional. This doesn’t suggest they’re working fewer hours – often, especially within the early levels of growing a enterprise, they work longer and more durable – but, moderately, they’re working in a approach that’s instinctual for them.

The profitable entrepreneur offers time to envisioning how they need their enterprise to look and how they …

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